Asssuming that nunofontoura was part of the experiment, he has conclusively proven that:

"No good deed goes unpunished".

"Damned if you do; Damned if you don't".

"Between a rock and a hard place".

And all those other cliches that basically point to an ungrateful population of newbies who

"Want their cake and eat it too".

I had nothing to say about this until now. Loco tried and failed; he said that his major mistake which was to let the crowd control the project and not having more prepared work done up front. This is him owning up to a failure in leadership BUT NOT him saying that it was the newbies faults. And it makes perfect sense. You NEED a dictator in charge of a can't have 10 diffrent people with 10 diffrent opinions about how to make ONE game....that's why most project have ONE Game Designer.

So who do I believe? Loco of course. Why? Because nowhere did he blame the newbies like you allege for one and your post is a truely pathetic display of lack of class and gratitude.

In the past, Loco has tried and succeeded; his MP tutorial is still the defacto introduciton to 3DGS MP. Here, he tried and failed. Which is more than I can say for all the rest of the whiners on this board.

And this is the gratitude he gets? I truly hope that you speak only for yourself, nunofontoura...I don't want to believe that the rest of the Experiment were as ungrateful as you!