Well, I just cruised by and it is not in my nature to get into public disputes (unless it pushes one of my 9 my hot buttons ) -this really doesn't but I'll say this ...

1 - nunofontoura -and everyone else- speaks only for themselves.
2 - Loco gets nothing but thumbs up from me
3 - Mad Max? Not unless there was a version 3 that included aliens. People tossed around suggestions like post apolyptic world, wasteland, protectorate and I did my best to throw them in the stew and spit out a basic but original concept -while also taking into consideration the scrolling platforms and what the modelers and programmers would have to do - to the best of my ability and limited time. I am wholly responsible for any innane ideas, grammatical mistakes and meandering thoughts -so don't even think of giving Mel Gibson the credit!

As for the rest -peace, love and happiness! I am always amazed when people are ready to go to battle for little things! Loco had a good idea, he tried, some others tried to differing degrees, it didn't work but no noobs or veterans were killed in the process -so what's the big deal? I also learned a few things from the experiment so let's focus our energies on more productive things. I'm back to my homework now. Be good and play nice.

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