I made a gravity type of thing for one of my games.
You used a "gravlifter" to move crates and slam them into the ground, smashing rats.

Anyway heres the relevent function

function gravGunMain(){
var myTemp;
sfxBuzz = ent_playloop(gravEnt,gravBuzz,600); //start buzzing noise at gravEnt
sfxElectroHumm = snd_loop(electroHumm,25,0); //start underlying electric humm
while(effectCount < 6){
ent_create("magma_tirc.bmp",gravEnt.x,gravFx); //create effects
effectCount += 1;
while(gravSwitch == 1){
phent_setdamping(gravEnt,90,30); //set linear damping high to help control
//- slam gravEnt to ground
if(myTemp == 0){
myTemp = 1;
// phent_addvellocal(gravEnt,vector(1000,0,0),vector(0,0,0));

else{ //return to hover position
myTemp = 0;
gravPointEnt.z = max(-350,min(gravPointEnt.z,-200)); //lock z range of gravPointEnt

//- set and adjust final movement vector

//- add physics force to gravEnt
snd_stop(sfxBuzz); //stop buzzing
snd_stop(sfxElectroHumm); //stop humming
phent_setdamping(gravEnt,10,30); //return to low damping for better free flight

gravPointEnt is an invisible entity that is controled with the mouse, this entity marks where the gravEnt should be.
gravEnt is the entity affected by gravity.
gravSwitch is the toggle, == 1 gravity gun is on, == 0 freeflight

Making guns illegal will save as many lives as making murder illegal.