
are you going to give the street editor away or is the only way to get it going to be to buy IceX 2.0?

If I find the time I will release it seperatly...


It will be best option if you could blur stencil shadows and bake them into terrain map, like shadow map. That way we will have a nice shadow generator
Just idea...

Yes, this would a good shadow generator. But the problem is, if you have very large scaled terrain to make a BIG level, like my levels (walk across the terrain takes at least 15 Min) you need a more high-res shadowmap, and I guess this would decrease the framerate. But I think about it.

Here's the last big feautere for IceX 2.2. The blendmap generator. You can set minimum height and maximum height and the tool will create a blendmap with a selected texture. Usefull for snow mountains, or a beach. And you can export (and import) the blendmap.