
Nice job man. The game got a really nice style.
I agree with the texture problems posted by other people.
I would add one thing, when you enter a house and get outside again, all those evil weeds are back.
Oh, is there a way to reduce load times, cause they will get a bit irritating after a while. It is okay to have a load time when you enter a different part of the level (like when you go to the beach), but it is annoying when you get a loadingscreen when you enter a house.

Thanks for your comments.

The problem with stopping the weeds respawn when you reenter a level, is that I'd have to go through and assign each weed a separate ID number in a skill value, then I'd compare the value to an array and see whether or not to remove the weed. That means I'd have to go through WED and select every weed, and assign an individual number to their skill, such as numbers 1 - 3000 so each weed has a unique ID. There is 1000s of weeds and unfortunatley the task would be quite time consuming.

I agree with the loading issue, I'll try to figure out a way to reduce the load times. With more loading it means a better frame rate in regards to the house interiors, if you couldn't go into the interior of houses seaparatly, but that all the interiors would be in the one level, that would really slow the game down with all the crazy WED gemoetry. Lighting is a bit of another issue, with the interior separate I can place WED lights outside the windows to create a nice effect. If you look on the outside of the window, the wall is very bright from the WED light, this looks odd, and I'd have to remove this effect if it was all in one level.