Hey crew,
I ran into some trouble while trying to pack up a new demo. I tried to use wolf pack to build a single .exe of my files, but I keep getting the E356 error

“Error E356: Problem with WDL script
The script could not be executed. Either it contains a syntax Error that is indicated and must be fixed. Or it was not found in the current directory. Or it was modified after publishing.“

I even tried the trail version of MoleBox just to see if it done the same thing and sure enough it does. I followed the instructions carefully for both programs and I still can not get it to work correctly. I am using the .exe and the resources from the published folder. Also my .exe runs fine before trying to pack it. Can anyone help me out with what would be the best solution for this?


A6 Developer, Contractor and Content Producer. See our digital goods for sale at www.GameKnack.com Ask about our contract services for models, scripts and level design at www.MentalAbyssStudios.com