I got something I can’t get to work right. The level command; is said to link levels to a script so that the resources for those levels are too published in the .cd folder. I have done this, but I still only get the models for that map being published in the .cd folder. All my other resources such as sounds and textures have statements in the scripts that bind them, but the models that are placed in my levels do not and my publish command is only picking up the models in my game start map that I publish from and not all the models in the actual game levels. I thought that was the purpose of the level statement and until my beta testers got the file I didn’t know any different since it runs fine locally because I have the files in the paths that are defined in the script. So I got to looking through the .cd folder and it dose not put all the model files in for the other levels like it should. Can anyone offer any advice? Thanks

A6 Developer, Contractor and Content Producer. See our digital goods for sale at www.GameKnack.com Ask about our contract services for models, scripts and level design at www.MentalAbyssStudios.com