Hello everyone,

After a long long time, I managed to get another demo up for you. There you go..

Intense Ai - Blast From The Past - 4.5 MB

For the faint of the heart, I've also made a slower version. Same rules, but both you and the bot are walking slower. Mouse sensitivity is also dropped.. a tad. However, you can 'cheat' by going faster than the bot, when keeping SHIFT pressed.

Intense Ai - Slower Blast From The Past - 4.5 MB

It's you and one bot, powered with Intense Ai(duh), fighting it to the death. First to reach 20 Frags wins.

I'm also setting up a little contest for fun. If you get to win the match you'll be rewarded by a "secret password". The first one to post this password here will get a free copy of Intense Ai - Standard version, when it's out.

I think I made the bot pretty tough. The idea is, it's easier to make a hard Ai weaker, than visa versa. Other than that, the match is fair. Both the player and the bot have the same HitPoints, same speed and the bot never 'cheats' in any way. It's like playing multiplayer with another human player.

I think I'm gonna post a pic now...

Old timers may also recognise the level. I practicaly ripped every texture, sound, model and the music from the old game Doom II. This is the first map, Entryway, which I initially made myself, and then Bilbo_bogimps redid it cause mine was horrible . All the doom weapons are also there and they behave exacly like in the original. I had to go without the BGF though, cause that thing needed one full day to be coded and I really didn't had the time.. So, sorry BFG fans, maybe in another version .

Ok guys, N'joy. Let me know what you think.

Last edited by LarryLaffer; 09/29/05 08:16.

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