
Thanks everyone,

Tester, I'll have to think about that.. Most probably it won't be too much of a hussle to make the Bots update their data to the network. Maybe it's being done already cause I use ent_creates and not ent_createlocals... I'll have a look at it if I have some time..
maybe some of the multiplayer gurus can give me some tips as to how tough that will be...


I would suggest you finish what you are working on now and release it. Another AI library, which I will not name, had issues with the creator focusing on the "higher" version and additional features while ignoring bugs in the released core of the "lower" version. If I were building it, I would focus on the core, resolving any bugs and building a good reputation.


Total_Stupidity = (Ben_Roethlisberger + Motorcycle) - Helmet