Sure, Basic Hearing-Seeing-Feeling Senses is Done. Some new Goals have been made(that I didn't needed for the previous Arena style demo, but I need with a realistic game with Allys), like FollowLeader, Patrol, Guard etc, etc.

I'm now still working on the collision avoidance(I wanna get it perfect the first time, cause it becomes extremely important later with 20+ bots inside) and also optimising my Points of Visibility Graph a bit(don't create an edge between two waypoints if there's a huge lava pit in the middle, but do create an edge if there's an obstacle that you can step on or jump it). Things like that...

Collision avoidance is the hardest part left. once this is done, then I'm left with tidying up code, writting documentations and stuff like that.. Hopefully I won't step on my -one month- deadline..

cheers everyone. I'll keep you updated.

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