Hey guys,

thanks for voting.. I found two of the results quite suprising, the amount of people that need Intense Ai for a new project, and how many people don't have a clue what the WED customizable panels are.. Both results will help me on the documentation and all.. please keep voting..


Will there be an option for an amount of thinking the bots must do?

It's all in the Personality panel that I posted a screenshot of it before.. If you only need bots that will follow a path and attack any enemy on sight, all you do is enable these two goals and set all rest Goals to 0. You can even set a value for every enabled Goal to determine how likely it is to attempt each of them. If I set a value on the Follow Path goal to 100 and to the Combat Tactic I give 20, I create a coward character who will only engage combat if it's absolutley nesseccery.. However, a Follow Path 30 and Combat Tactic 100 will create a berserk guy who will attack anyone on sight, even if he's packing a bereta and the enemy is packing a bazooka(for example..). Setting all Goals to 100(which is the default) gives balanced results between Goal selection, that I spent thousands of hours testing them here..

So by disabling Goals this way, you relief some proccessing power by prevent the bots thinking about them, if that's what you asked me for..

Honigmonster, there's one at the first page of this thread.. but it's old..


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