1.)I want to know if you can give a list of the 40 possible animations for the ai system as I am starting a character for FPS games and I would like it to fit with your upcoming system.

2.)Question: If I want to add a new behavior for a bot, such as for example "stop and smell the roses" or something, thats just an example. Would it be fairly easy for me to include this functionality to the ai's existing behaviors, or is that something we would need to hire out custom coding from you? Speaking from just an average coders perspective with no real knowledge of higher math or advanced ai functions.

3.)which leads to the third question Id like to confirm, is the ai code all c-script which we can change around or is it in c++?

4.)Would it be possible for an average scripter to set up a routine for a bot, like maybe time based: 1 pm - 5pm guard perimeter, 6pm -7pm go to mess hall, 7pm-10pm go to bed?

5.) I have dinosaurs and other creatures, is this system something I can adapt to them or is it all for bot to bot type quake ai?

--Thanks a lot. Im looking forward to this code, it looks like its gonna be great!