
1.)I want to know if you can give a list of the 40 possible animations for the ai system as I am starting a character for FPS games and I would like it to fit with your upcoming system.

Animation List


2.)Question: If I want to add a new behavior for a bot, such as for example "stop and smell the roses" or something, thats just an example. Would it be fairly easy for me to include this functionality to the ai's existing behaviors, or is that something we would need to hire out custom coding from you? Speaking from just an average coders perspective with no real knowledge of higher math or advanced ai functions.

Since you would need to create the 'Smell Roses' Goal yourself, it means that you'll need to get your hands dirty on SED a bit. Think of Intense Ai having 3 layers of programming, kinda like GameStudio has.

Beginner: Use pre-existing Goals to create complex personalities, design weapons, add paths, animations and lots more without writting a single line of code.

Intermediate: Create new Goals for your system that will fit your needs. You'll use pre-existing actions which means all the hard stuff like Pathfinding, movement, collision, etc have already be done for you. Just design and add your Goal to the current selection.

Advanced: Change the way Intense Ai works from within. Modify the pathfinding, the Goal Oriented Action Planning and every other vital system that Intense Ai uses and get the power over everything.

There will be detailed instructions in the manual for all three layers. It's not as hard as it sounds to create a new Goal. It may include scripting, but it's handled in a very orginised fashion, and with my step-by-step tutorials on making a few Goals on your own, it's going to be a peace of cake to get started on yours.


3.)which leads to the third question Id like to confirm, is the ai code all c-script which we can change around or is it in c++?

all c-script


4.)Would it be possible for an average scripter to set up a routine for a bot, like maybe time based: 1 pm - 5pm guard perimeter, 6pm -7pm go to mess hall, 7pm-10pm go to bed?

Yes. Make a personality in WED which favours the Guard Goal, a second personality which favous the Follow Path goal, and a third which favours a customized GoToBed Goal. Then, when it's 1pm - 5pm say my.Personality=1;, when it's 6pm - 7pm change it to my.Personality=2; and when it's 7pm to 10pm again make it my.Personality=3;


5.) I have dinosaurs and other creatures, is this system something I can adapt to them or is it all for bot to bot type quake ai?

After I'm finished with Intense Ai I'm going to use it myself on a personal project which is a space turn-based strategy game(much like Master of Orion 2). So you see it can have many many uses. Even with the Goals that Intense Ai comes with, your dinosaurs will be able to follow paths, chill, attack-or not..- etc. You can customize their behavior through WED to better suit a dinosaur..


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