okay i got it to work like you suggested. this will make me go through my orignal code and make it more efficient too. I am having one problem still.

when the creation screens frist comes up. the male models are there weeeeee. the problem is this ---

if you click on the male button(male models are already displayed , synonyms are set.)frist. because the synonyms are set to male but the females synonyms are not set i am getting empty synonym error, now the only way I see to get around this is go ahead and create one set of females but make them invisible.

ooh i just realized something, if the females models are displayed and i click on the female button the empty synonym error will also occur.
ummm how would i get around this issue??? here is my function that turns on the male mutants.
FUNCTION turnon_models () {//male_mutants_from_female_mutants
if (gender_selected==1) // will need to check for the race
spawn_male_mutants ();
wait (1);
else { if (gender_selected==2) // will need to check for the race
spawn_female_mutants ();

to recap what the problem is if you click on the gender button of the current gender displayed then you will get the empty synonym error.

How do i get around this, maybe with a while???