If I had full access to the revolutionary, productivity-increasing, work flow-enhancing, critically acclaimed, (imaginary) SceneEditor Pro, I would surely use it to complete my recreation of the White House to scale from architectural survey drawings. It is my dream to fulfill every 3DGS game developer's dream of including an authentic White House and an anatomically correct "Dubya" in their products. What world is truly complete without a "Supreme Commander in Chief of the World"? Sure there will be those that glorify my gift by covering the White House walls with bullet holes, blood, and gore, but there may be others that allow you to play as the almighty "Dubya" himself, allowing you to reenact his "special" role in history. As "Dubya's" popularity continues to increase, his appearance in projects my increase. Soon it will be obvious, a project lacking in "Dubya" will not compete with a "Dubya-enabled" project. Hopefully, by playing with, as, against or around "Dubya", all will know the true story that is "Dubya".