Tomorrow is the great day of this contest, finally it comes to its end, but don't worry, the ScneEditor Contest 3 starts when the second one ends.

The third contest, isn't as I said a scripting contest. I thought about this, but I think a second design contest would be better. Here's what you've to do (please don't send any until the second contest ends):
My design theme (AeroScene) wasn't as good as I expected. Now your work is to create AeroScene. Your picture shall contains the same thing you can see on my picture (window + text + buttons). The best theme becomes the new one of the SceneEditor. I'll give you a list of prices tomorrow. Good luck.

btw: What do you think about a developer diary on my homepage? I'll update the diary as often as possible to hold you up to data. What do you think about this?

Your friendly mod is at your service.