Well, Winter's Twilight ( www.winterstwilight.com ) is a MMOG so it isn't in our design brief to allow players to create their own content - this would be a purely internal tool for our worldbuilders.

We're almost at the point of choosing A6 to power our world ( pending a few issues still to be confirmed as sorted in the next release ) so I'm investigating the content pipeline.

I'm looking for a full-on world creator that will integrate with the A6 engine. That is to say what I see in the World Editor with all effects, lighting, textures, models, sky, water etc is what I see in 3DGS WED follwing a simple export-import routine.

Once you're there, let me know and we'll buy a copy. If all goes well, we'll be buying a few more!

Scott Thompson
Lead Developer
Pixel Bridge Ltd.