Included in the .zip is some php, some example cscript functions, and gshttpc.dll.

In order to use this you'll need to know how to install php scripts on your webserver.
You'll also need a mysql database.

Its developed with php 4.3.10 and mysql 4.0.25 but should also run in other versions (?) I don't see why not.

You can edit 'header.php' and 'footer.php' to customize your web feed.

The example cscript relies on gshttpc.dll but you can also do nearly the same thing with batch files.

This version of highscore management is very simple. It only supports a few things.
1) adding player accounts
2) updating player accounts
3) retrive info on specific player
4) game feed
5) web feed

Credit is always nice but not required.
I would really like to hear of any improvements you make.

Making guns illegal will save as many lives as making murder illegal.