Hi, I'm sorry guys but i simply don't have the time to do what I would like... so you will just have to make due with a less than wonderful example.

Heres the project i was talking about flinger. ~2.5mb
Its far from complete, has bugs, and isn't the best but it is a game with a online highscore table using this highscore system.
I would have prefered to have cleaned it up quite a bit and made it pretty but I just don't have time.

You want to pay attention to function 'initGame' in 'flingerMain.wdl'. Its the main game loop so keep in mind its always running.(thats just the way i did it not a requirement or anything)
Its a monster but well commented and shows how to do several things
-check for connection
-add a player account
-update a player account
-verify current score is higher than posted score(don't post lower scores)
-show top 5 scores
-save player info to encrypted file
-retrive player info from encrypted file

Hopefully this helps more than confuses you.
You have to apply it to work within your own game.