Some questions:

Did anyone of you get render to texture to work in a Level?
Maybe the example for an own post-processing-effect or the water example?
Is the Sky working?
Are softshadows working for somebody?
And what are softshadows?

If you can answer a question with yes an example wouldbe very nice.
I think I got everything else to work.

The "own post-processing-effect" example have a problem with this line in the shader: magFilter = linear;
If I comment this line out its working without any problem but the effect is very weird wich means that I just get a cupple of lines slovly moving over the screen and after some time I the level is hiden behind this lines.

@Oronll: An the manual it says that A6Mesh is not working with this version.
But i´m not sure if it´s right.