Those screens look cool, looking forward to a demo ! I like the Coldfear style very much! Don't worry too much about shaders, but Matt's right it could improve the details quite a bit when implemented correct... it's not just a nice feature, it cán make huge differences indeed...


I cant belive anyone would like Halfe2 better than Doom3.. HL2 is very plain looking and boxy, with basic phot based textures and not much in terms of lighting and such. The artwork is mostly this ugly sewers and industrial stuff.. looks New Jersy or somehting.. I'm sorry but if i want to see that I can go outside and to the dirty river near my house.

Infact, I think Chronicles of riddick: escape from butcherbay looks even better than DOOMIII. DOOMIII has a kinda overall plastic look sometimes, and HL2 sometimes just lacks shaders at certain points. Casual gamers might not even notice it, but it happened plenty of times that I thought by myself 'huh? this still HL2?', because in certain areas the textures look like Max Payne 1/2, photorealistic, yet very flat and sometimes even a bit blurry. Chronicles of Riddick does a way better job. For a good comparison, take a look at characters in HL2 and compare them with those in DOOM3 and Chronicles of Riddick and tell me which you like best, between DOOM3 and Chronicles of riddick it's a close call, yet HL2 is far behind imo.


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