Impressive movie. I can already see some flaws (bad animations and weak AI) but it is already better looking and playing than the average 3DGS game. Personally I don't care for shaders. I rarely notice if the character or other objects in the game I'm playing have shadows. It took me 4 months to realize that Mercenaries only has shadows for vehicles and all the buliding shadows are faked and it took me 3 months to realize that I had the shadows turned off in Galaxies. LOL

This is my kind of game and it already looks like something I would play. It would be nice to have a balence of fast and slow action. Have fast shooting action that requires realistic cover tactics instead of straight forward running and gunning, also have some creative puzzles and stuff that don't get repeditive. Just some thoughts. Can't wait to see more!

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R.I.P. Dave Williams