
sorry of posting old posts, but i might add one thing here: depends on style...

WoW, and bruning crusade both use pretty low specs. i can play them perfectly on my 5200FX (4 year old system) so thats not the point. the point is, that playability is a factor that is more important than one might guess. of what use is a good looking game if i cant play it because my system is not the newest. thats why many game still support low end pcs... more people will buy them.

so your staement is not quite correct...

this sums up my point, however, i don't agree with some of you, i do not agree that a person should be forced to buy a high end graphics card for 200+ dollars and then spend money on a $30+ game, this is a no no. Instead, the game should stick with what others can do, and the gameplay is most definately the most important thing in the entire game. Lemme say it like this, the game should be like the original Unreal Tournament, options for everything, this give a huge range of pcs it could run on, for example, you want to have the sphere engine in your game, however, most of your customers can't run it, so what do you do, you make sphere an option, for people with lower pc's make the graphics look about like the original unreal tournament, but for high ent pc's set the maximum polies up, and give it sphere, and normal mapping and bloom, or whatever you want to add to it. My point is, they shouldn't be forced to upgrade their specs severely to play a game, it should be as simple as buy the game, and play it, but this is my personal opinion. i am finished criticizing, so now to say something good about the game

this game is looking better and better, the first pages show some ok graphics, but as you go on, you are getting alot better, thumbs up my friend, very good looking game

Last edited by Manslayer101; 11/23/06 15:51.

- aka Manslayer101