lol, so monsters has a bad story because youre a monster that kills humans?

i think you are wrong, and people around me agree with me.

in the end, its all about the game. the only reason id say this plot wont work is, that it wont work for this game.

an alien to destroy all humans. first target? an oil plattform? wtf? whats the alien gonna do, kill bruce willis who tries to kill ben afflek for sleeping with liv tyler?

its like saying: our alien kills all humans and he starts in the sahara desert. whats he gonna kill, sand people?

wont work. no if youtr alien wants to destry humanity, put him into the middle of tokyo, new york or berlin. that works!

maybe you should change the story a little, so that the alien is looking for something ON this plattform and kilsleveryone in his path because he feels they are a threat!