
(...) playing the bad guy is like watching in the mirror of humanity/mankind, we are no heros, we are not going out and save the world, we destruct our homeplanet day by day. So who is the good and who is the bad, it is just a question of perspective (...)

This, indeed, sounds interesting and should make the player think, but I don't think this is, what the average computer player wants to hear.

And: Where does this all make sense? If you are not an alien, you are a human, so what reason does a human has to kill his own species?
The most natural instict of humans, as of any other animal, is reproduction, to secure the survival of the own species.

Sorry, I really can't see any reason in it.
It just sounds to me like you are trying to make something different at all costs.

I don't have a homepage, for god's sake!