I think showcasing excellent work is a healthy way for a person loosing their creative drive, or deterimination, to become refilled with positive thoughts, and ambition. Hereing alot of people say that the work looks amazing, can be a real ego booster. I nte same regard it is very difficult to sit on a project that you know has a tone of amazing stuff in it, and not show it off. But liked I've mentioned before, most people do not realize the amount of self-sacrifice involved in finishing a project of this caliber. Just an example, I have been working fulltime on my RPG since January, and have averaged 75-80 hours a week every week since inception, and it is still two months at least until beta.

Anyway, I really hope that you guys finish this game, because it looks very clean, and as long as the gameplay is decent, you should do well.

you can find me with my face in the keyboard, unshaven, listening to some nameless techno tragedy, and hashing through code over a cold cup a stale joe. __________________________________ yours truly