
look at the last screenshot on the page, esp. the shadows. it's clearly not acknex.

it's unlikely to be acknex, i agree, but acknex CAN do it. the latest version may be necessary for the perspective on the shadows though -- i don't know if the orthogonal shadows were a universal problem or only experienced by a few.

All I can say that it is not dead , actually we are working on not just a game but a whole concept. OCRANA NEWS ON THE GAME and personally Iam also working as cgi artist for hire, my new website will be released this october.

@sebcrea: is this still a 3DGS project? i'd like it to be. if it isn't, we'd still like to read knews on 'lived', but it would belong in the morbius forum. i'm sure you can let out a little more than whether it's dead


EDIT: everyone except mods and the thread-starter who make a post specifically asking for ONE person to stay on topic is posting off-topic. i can understand someone coming into the thread, seeing lots of people drifting away from the topic, and asking that they get back on track, but it really is just spamming and a waste of time to come in with an issue in regards to one or two small posts' relevance to the topic. staying on topic and ignoring what you may consider spam would usually do a better job of rectifying the problem, if there actually is one.

Last edited by JulzMighty; 10/14/07 01:51.