One quick info. update. I finally got motivated and am tinkering with the free, open source Intense Pathfinding from Larry Laffer and RAFU. It'll be movementType 5 once I get it in place. I have everything in place(per the supplied documentation), however I'm having trouble getting my graph to build. No crashing or errors..just nothing, yet. Once I get it working in the test level with their supplied movement code, I'll attempt the transition to my own code.

Once completed, I'll try and address any additional bugs or issues that are still outstanding. Of course, I will seek permission to release the Intense integration before uploading. If they say no, then at least there will be the fixes and or new stuff.

@eleroux: Once you get that Thief3 cam working, I'd like to take a look at it if you don't mind. That may become movementType 6 or better yet I'll just make it a feature of type 3 and 4.

As for wall collision, the Zelda movement/cam thread code is the best. Here's the raw code for anyone who wants to take a crack at it. None of this is mine, and I'm wanting to integrate it into my "cam.wdl" at some point, so the system will have perfect wall collision. The current version glides along surfaces but it clips like every other camera out there(except Zelda thus the reason I want to splice it in).

Anyway, it's in two chunks...the first one is REALLY raw and has lines that would need to be eliminated or else they'll conflict with what I've already got in place(like the cam_height stuff in chunk 1...the current cam_pos.z trig lines will work for's just a matter of porting my method into this one and making it all gel). The 2nd part is more refined. Good luck to anyone who wants to try and tame this. We'll all owe you big time(note that it uses old trace/ code uses c_trace and c_move, however I have set enable_polycollision to 0.5 so it still behaves like the old instructions). Keep in mind that the goal is simply to get it to where the camera neer clips into the geometry under any circumstances. There may be lines that mimic the Zelda style camera movement(it's wonky compared to my more traditional motion), so if something in this script makes it do the wonky dance, then it should be gutted:

Below is the code which handles camera collision in the zelda code, it has been a long time since I looked at this and even now I'm not sure why some instructions and calculations are being used. I went through and commented what I thought was going on in certain places, it may not make sense, somethings confuse me alot.

Hope it helps.


//where camera.pan is being used in trigonometry calculations, the value used to be cam_xyangle in the zelda code, I'm not exactly sure if changing it to camera.pan will work or not


FUNCTION pan_back() 
	//cam height is the height the camera is relative to the player's z coordinte
        cam_height -= mouse_force.y * 40 * time; 
        cam_height = clamp(cam_height, -150, 300);

	//dist_total is the radius the camera is from the player
	vec_set(temp.x, vector(player.x - fcos(camera.pan, dist_total - 10), player.y - fsin(camera.pan, dist_total - 10), player.z + cam_height));  //find the camera position 10 quants behind the camera (not sure why I'm tracing 10 quants behind the camera, would be better to use vec_add rather than just the x and y component)		

	vec_diff(temp2.x,player.x,temp.x); //from behind the camera to the player
	vec_normalize(temp2.x,16); //set vector to magnitude of 16
	vec_add(temp.x,temp2.x); //set temp.x 16 quants longer, so we are tracing 16 quants behind the camera

	trace_mode = ignore_me + ignore_passable;
	trace (player.x,temp.x); //trace from the player to the camera position, this trace is used to calculate planar_to and camera_move_to.z

	dist_traced = sqrt((target.x - player.x)*(target.x - player.x)+(target.y - player.y)*(target.y - player.y));

	IF (dist_traced > 0) //if the trace hit a wall
		vec_diff(temp2.x,player.x,target.x); //vector from trace hit point to the player
		vec_normalize(temp2.x,16); //normalize vector
		vec_add(temp.x,temp2.x); //move temp.x 16 quants behind target.x
		result = sqrt((temp.x - my.x)*(temp.x - my.x) + (temp.y - my.y)*(temp.y - my.y));
		IF (result < dist_total) 
                   planar_to = result; //planar_to is the radius at which the camera moves to, if the calculated distance from the camera to the player is less than the maximum distance the camera could possibly be, not exactly sure why this if statement is being used
           planar_to = dist_total;

	   camera_move_to.z = target.z; //camera_move_to vector is the coordinates at which the camera smoothly moves to, z component is calculate instantly whilst x and y are calculated differently
           player.z -= 15; //temporarily changed so that camera focusus slightly above middle
           var temp2[3];

           camera.tilt = temp.tilt + 7;  //this causes the camera to tily towards the player

	//this smoothly moves dist_planar to the planar_to variable (the radius the camera is from the player)

	IF (abs(dist_planar - planar_to) > 2) 
           cradius_speed = (dist_planar - planar_to) / -1;

           cradius_speed = 0;
           my.skill15 = 0;
        MY.skill15 += (TIME * cradius_speed)  - (min(TIME*0.7,1) * my.skill15);
	dist_planar += MY.skill15  * TIME;
	dist_planar = planar_to;

	//tracing from camera to below the camera to see if the camera is on the ground

	trace_mode = ignore_me + ignore_passable;
	result = trace (vector(camera.x,camera.y,player.z + 15),vector(camera.x,camera.y,camera.z + 5));

	IF (result > 0) && (cam_height > result - 5) 
           cam_height = result - 5; 
        }  //if we have traced something place the camera above it

	camera_move_to.x = player.x - dist_planar * cos(camera.pan); //set the value at which the camera needs to smoothly move to
	camera_move_to.y = player.y - dist_planar * sin(camera.pan);

	//this is similar code to the template camera, the camera needs to be at the camera_move_to coordinates, this traces at a position, which smoothly moves towards the camera_move_to, and places the camera at the target.x vector, this works well because instead of placing the camera ta camera_move_to, it traces at a position which smoothly moves to camera_move_to

	// move towards target position

	//camera_smooth_to vector smoothly but quicly moves towards the camera_move_to.x variable (the position the camera should be)

	temp2 = min(1,0.5 * time);    // value of 1 places us at target, this value is what allows the smooth movement
	camera_smooth_to.x += temp2*(camera_move_to.x - camera_smooth_to.x); //the bigger the gap between camera_move_to.x - camera_smooth_to.x, the faster the camera moves
	camera_smooth_to.y += temp2*(camera_move_to.y - camera_smooth_to.y);
	camera_smooth_to.z += temp2*(camera_move_to.z - camera_smooth_to.z);

	// keep camera from penetrating walls

	vec_diff(temp2.x,camera_smooth_to.x,player.x); //find vector from player to the positoin the camera should be
	vec_normalize(temp2.x,16); //move vector 16 quants behind camera
	vec_add(temp2.x,camera_smooth_to.x);	// temp2 = temp_cdist + 16 units away from view target

	me = player;

	trace_mode = ignore_me + ignore_passable + ignore_models + ignore_sprites;
	IF (trace(player.x,temp2.x) > 0)  
        { //trace from the player to the position 16 quants behind the camera
    	  //if the trace hit a wall
           vec_diff(temp2.x,player.x,target.x); //from player to the target position
           vec_set(camera.x,target.x); //set camera at the traced position
           //if the trace has not hit something set the camera to camera_smooth_to;

Hey OB

Sorry for the late reply.

I hope this works, this is very simple camera movement which should work with any entity, just have the player call handle_camera(); from it's main loop. And it should work. Although simple camera collision may be more effective, so I've added something like that further below.

Let me know how it goes.


var camera_move_to[3];
var camera_smooth_to[3];
var camera_distance = 200;
var camera_pan;
var camera_tilt;

FUNCTION handle_camera() 

	camera_pan -= mouse_force.x * 12 * time_step;
	camera_tilt += mouse_force.y * 8 * time_step;
	camera_tilt = clamp(camera_tilt,-30,10);
	camera.pan = camera_pan;
	temp = fcos(camera_tilt,-camera_distance);
	vec_set(camera_move_to.x,vector(my.x + fcos(camera.pan,temp),my.y + fsin(camera.pan,temp),my.z + 20 + fsin(camera_tilt,-camera_distance)));

	//this is similar code to the template camera, the camera needs to be at the camera_move_to coordinates, this traces at a position, which smoothly moves towards the camera_move_to, and places the camera at the target.x vector, this works well because instead of placing the camera ta camera_move_to, it traces at a position which smoothly moves to camera_move_to

	// move towards target position
	temp = min(1,0.5 * time);    // value of 1 places us at target, this value is what allows the smooth movement
	camera_smooth_to.x += temp*(camera_move_to.x - camera_smooth_to.x);
	camera_smooth_to.y += temp*(camera_move_to.y - camera_smooth_to.y);
	camera_smooth_to.z += temp*(camera_move_to.z - camera_smooth_to.z);

	// keep camera from penetrating walls
	vec_add(temp.x,camera_smooth_to.x);	// temp2 = temp_cdist + 16 units away from view target

	trace_mode = ignore_me + ignore_passable + ignore_models + ignore_sprites;
	IF (trace(my.x,temp.x) > 0) 



	camera.pan = temp.pan;
	camera.tilt = temp.tilt;

FUNCTION handle_camera() 
	camera.pan -= mouse_force.x * 12 * time_step;
	camera.tilt += mouse_force.y * 8 * time_step;
	camera.tilt = clamp(camera.tilt,-30,10);
	temp = fcos(camera.tilt,-camera_distance);
	vec_set(camera.x,vector(my.x + fcos(camera.pan,temp),my.y + fsin(camera.pan,temp),my.z + 20 + fsin(camera.tilt,-camera_distance)));

	vec_diff(temp.x,camera.x,my.x); //find the vector from the player to the camera
	vec_normalize(temp.x,16); //get the magnitude of it's vector to 16 quants and store it in temp
	vec_add(temp.x,camera.x); //add the vector (from player to camera) of a magnitude of 16 quants and add it to the camera's position.

	trace_mode = ignore_me+ignore_passable;
	result = trace(my.x,temp.x); //trace from the player to 16 quants behind the camera.
	IF (result > 0) 
		vec_diff(temp.x,my.x,target.x); //find the vector from the point the trace hit to the player
		vec_normalize(temp.x,16); //get the magnitude of this vector to 16 quants and store in temp
		vec_set(camera.x,target.x); //place the camera at the trace hit point
		vec_add(camera.x,temp.x); //move the camera away from the wall by the vector temp, 16 quants towards the player



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