yeah AABB isn't so accurate for certain situations (mostly glide) and you might not be using it in non-BSP maps, but it's faster.

The problem with ellipsoids is that c_trace and c_move produces a collision Normal that isn't necessarily the surface normal. The normal is taken from the point of the 'ellipsoid' that hits the level geometry, as I can see from the tests. So, when hitting a stair, the edge on the stair step will kick somewhere low in the spheroid, returning a normal that is similar to that of a slope. So, if you code something to stop the entity to go up slopes, it will probably happen the same thing with stairs. And both slopes and stairs are walked up thanks to Glide.

The manual says something about templates using two separate c_move calls, but I couldnt confirm that info. I'm studying the A6 templates right now to see how they do things. But it seems the writers came to the same problems so far


from bipedPhy01.wdl

// use the move_min_z to limit the slope to which the biped can stand on.
// NOTE: REMOVED so we can climb steps
// if(my._move_min_z__003 >= 0) { move_min_z = min(0.99,(1-my._move_min_z__003)); } // set the min_z glide value

Anyway, I had never thought about using sprite entities as invisible barriers and slopes. And I kinda like the idea now: no portals, no level geometry... no hassles.. oh and I decided to use just a square image and repeat it along the stairs, so I don't need different images with different proportions.
