
Even better, have him announce he'll instantly stop a tsunami, wildfire, hurricane and save lots of people- not only would there be scientific evidence, it would also help getting rid of the argument against god from natural evil.

While He is at it maybe we could just sit around and He could bring food to us, open our mouths and put the food in, haul us to the bathroom, etc. etc. This type of God does everything for us is like a social servant. The biblical belief system (properly interpreted) holds man as the primary steward of the earth, meaning that we have control over our destiny.Dont believe me? Think about this:

Is it a coincidence that most of the real death toll disasters you listed above like for example the hurricane in Louisiana and the tsunami in India, ..is it a coincidence that these events occur in places of the worst sinful debauchery?

LA with its heathenish mardi gras
India with its million + false gods

How about the famines in Africa? Isnt Africa one of the greatest idolaters...heathenist blood drinkers?

Just food for thought, but I think that the presence and faith level of people stop or perpeetuate natural disaster. And I hypothesize that even a precursory study of global areas and the natral disaster/combined with the faith level towards the Christian God would back up my point.

I hope I explained that right without rushing too fast