Well the fact that we have it set in our mind what God is and what context he exists in says that even if he showed up, or we found trillion year old remains of the being responsible for all creation, we would never know it is or was the creator we all harp over.

Let's suppose we do come across God.. and he isnt Jesus, or Allah (even tho that isnt a name but a word meaning God), and he isn't omnipotent, immortal, omniscient, human, humanoid, or in any way magical, mythical or in exception to the physical universe.. but nonetheless we are looking at the being that created everything we know and see.

Would we know that this is our "God"... or would we dismiss it based on the fact he isnt what we believe God to be?

Just..wodering about your theory..

If you dont see, hear, smell, or at all sense a tree going to hit you.. does it mean that said undetected tree is not, in fact, about to injur you?

I'm ICEman, and I approved this message.