
And the irony here is of course that it was SCIENCE that held the flat world viewpoint.

I don't quite see what is ironic about it. There is a quote:

"Scientific progress means replacing a theory which is wrong by another which is more subtly wrong."

If you look at the history of science you see that everywhere established theories have been questioned again and again. Take the laws of motion introduced by Newton: they were held to be the "truth" for several centuries, but then Einstein's theory replaced them.

The method of science is to question things, that is *everything*. Of course there are people who call themselves scientists who don't always act like this - that is because people are still people.

The main difference between religion and science in my own experience is that in science it is allowed to question even the most basic laws. In religion there are some things that "should" not be questioned, some "truths" called indisputable.

I don't claim that the scientific method, that is trying to solve a question by experimenting, observing and then formulating a theory, is the best way ever, but it is one that generally worked so far, even though sometimes there are people (again) like this clone-scientist who manipulate their results to gain fame... and I don't intend to put science "over" religion in any way, but the way I see it the thing I mentioned above is one major difference between science and almost every major religion (buddhism excepted - it teaches to really question *EVERYTHING* )

A quote from Terry Pratchett: "All religions are true - for a given value of truth."

So, have fun bashing each other with arguments... better than with weapons I say. Just don't start a "holy" war here, eh?


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