@scramsax and all who think it's impossible to prove God's existance scientifically: if you believe that it's impossible to prove his existance scientifically, then you are wrong, many a scientist was converted after finding explicit evidence of God's existance, however, like all scientists, when they returned with news, their superiors disagree and would not believe in "such nonsense". They through away the thought that a higher power created every thing a mans hand touches, therefore, man is afraid of having a higher person over them, he believes that he rules his own life, and wastes what small time he has on earth. man may be "living it up" in his lifetime, but as just a man his dreams and visions die with him, however a man who has a higher power on his side, lives his life and is known for the life he lives, and most of them discover what most people don't see, whether you believe it or not, science started with christianity.

- aka Manslayer101