Fair enough, JCL. I don't believe the argument over whether or not scientists refuse to believe in God needs to be taken anywhere. I've read what scientists have to say about God, and I've seen what they do in public schools. I'm simply reacting to what I've researched myself. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong.

However, let me protest one thing that wrote in your post.


They have no problems to accept both science and God. Nor have most christians in other countries. So why is this so difficult for you US christians?

The christians I know of have no problem with science. They embrace it, in fact. Myself, I love science. For me, science has basically revealed a huge "Made by God" sticker on the universe. Science has always been an interest of mine. Like any young child I was captivated by dinosaurs, and I loved watching science shows on television, even though they contradicted a lot of what I learned as a child.

The point is, you're assuming we 'US Christians' have a problem with mixing science and God. I think the only reason you're saying that is because we don't mix the 'billion year old' theory and the evolution theory in with the word of God. I see no need to. Knowing what I know, evolution looks like a joke. Science can coexist with religion, because it only adds evidence to the word of God.

Just because we don't bend over backwards to appease theories that hold no water doesn't mean we're ignorant of science.


The fact is, the more we learn about biology and so on, the more the biblical explanations seem unlikely.

I've already said all I can say on this. If you don't want to find out for yourself, that's your deal. All I can do is show what I've learned. I don't claim to be an award winning biologist, but the fact of the matter is that you don't even need to go beyond 9th grade science to show how baseless evolution is.

Moreso, as scientists keep testing the bounds of spontaneous creation, they simply find more and more evidence that we were created. I've provided what I know, and I've provided a link as evidence to back up my claims. That's all I can do for now.

Science has tried for hundreds of years to find a way to prove we couldn't possibly have been created and they consistently run into dead ends.

The sad part is, that where they run into dead ends they simply hide the truth from our public school students and pass along failed experiments as proof of materialism. Its sickening.


The problem with having the answers in a singular or multiple book(s), is that these are already consider true. Deviation from these truths are considered lies without a real review. Religion does change as time goes on, its usually just painful to those who cling onto the old ways.

That's a fair statement. Except that science itself backs up everything I've said. Its obvious you guys either didn't read my entire post, or that you don't believe me, or that you don't care. In any case, there's nothing more I can really say on this subject.

I love debates, but I think we've reached a dead end here.

Again, I'm not going to split hairs on religion because we're not even on the same page. That's not to say that I'm less capable of understanding, or that you're less capable. However, we might as well be screaming at each other through sound proof walls. There are a lot of problems people have with religion. I've come up with a lot of these problems myself.

That said, I don't put my faith in religion, I put my faith in God. He hasn't changed yet, and I have yet to come up with any complaints against him, though I've tried. Believe it or not, even though I'm an ignorant christian, I have a mind tuned to discovery, and curiosity. I love researching, and I love knowing more about my world. If there is no God, I would want to be the first to know. Luckily for people like me, God hasn't left it all up to faith. He's left his signature all over creation.

I have to go to work now. Its been nice chatting.