
Just because we don't bend over backwards to appease theories that hold no water doesn't mean we're ignorant of science.

That is exactly what it means when you ignore theories that you don't like. Since you seem to prefer young earth creationism you'll have to throw away huge portions of geology, chemistry, physics, and biology that corroborate the estimate of earth's age. If you don't like evolution, that's fine, but hundreds of thousands of biologists and anthropologists work with this theory every day. Don't you think that scientists who have been studying these fields for decades and would easily get international recognition for coming up with a better theory would not do so ?

Do you realize the arrogance & ignorance in claiming that 9th grade science disproves evolution when it is the bedrock of so much research or when you have dozens of nobel laureates defending the teaching of evolution against dishonest attacks from theists ?

Knowing how biased apologetic writings can be, let me make sure that this point gets across: evolution is not some funny idea of a handful of biologists. It is the basis of entire scientific fields that is accepted by almost all scientists in these fields. If we were talking about physics instead it's like saying "Newton's laws are baseless" and though you'd find a few weirdos subscribing to this belief too, almost all physicsts would laugh at this notion. Just like biologists/geologists laugh at creationism/ID/sudden appearance.

There are ways to reconcile religion and science without looking like a fool, claiming that scientists are either all dumb or part of a huge conspiracy against your favorite religion is not one of them.

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Last edited by Marco_Grubert; 03/28/06 21:10.