I take that back if i could, its not a war nor a fight at all. If anything, I used the term to describe the backandforth-ness/stalemate of these discussions. You can give me that.

Of course no one is converting anyone, but "for doubters of god's existence" sure sounds like a subtle cue to cause SOME sort of dissention against the opposite beleif. People dont care about other people's opinion until it grates against their own. "I like chocolate" and "I like locating forum members and kiling them" are examples, but one is made to get a rouse from someone.

Nevertheless, I still don't find anything fruitfull of these discussions. For every pro-creation site you will find an equally equipped pro-evolution site. By that I mean for every "accurate" site that provides plenty of information reguarding a side, there is another one effectivly nullifying the previous site. Which brings the point of, running but staying in the same place. Youve gotten nowhere with alot of work.

I dont know too much about the bible but I do recall Solomon travailing in his revelation about groaning with too much knowledge. He was granted the wisdom of God supposedly, but still he ended up silly as any other man. He had gotten nowhere with that wisdom.