
The reason we have non-sensical theories like evolution ... is because science is trying to figure out why we are here instead of just understanding laws that govern our present existence.

How can you say evolution is non-sensical?.. its about the most elegant scientific theory in history. It explains so much. All scientists accept evolution. If you don't you are denying the validity of science and the scientific method, so you might as well give up the science that makes your car work. That evolution occurs is settled fact, and there is no debate or controversy. How it occurs is indeed debated. But there is no question that is does. It is as certain as anything we know.

Do you even have a basic understanding of Darwinian evolution? That the evidence in the fossil record only suports and confirms what can readily be observed in nature? Darwin developed his theory after examining isolated populations of animals in the Galapagos Islnads. He found that the species there were very similar, obviously derived from, specias formt he South American mainland. But that each speicas had apparently aquired adaptations to specifc environmental conditions. For instance, very closely related birds had differnt beak lengths and so on.. which could be explained by feeding methods and availablitiy of food.

This was the beginning of the theory, and this is how science works, forming a general conclusion from specific evidence. Since his time, much more has been learned, and eveything confirms that the principle is sound. In fact evolution is the BASIS of all the biological sciences. Modern biology started with Darwin.

Indeed, if you take away evolution, nothing makes sense in biology. Genetics becomes arbitrary and meaningless. Taxonomies are irrelevant. There might as well be no relationship between the species. It it would like taking Newton away from physics, because he is cornerstone of physical theory, even he has been since superseeded by improved theories.

Therefore, if you insist on denying evolution, you deny science--pure and simple. You are free to live in your delusions, but dont expect intelligent poeple to take you seriously.

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