I laugh at the concept of us coming from monkeys when human (close to modern human) remains have been found that predate almost all of the ape to man stuff.

I only think it's ridiculous because the complexity of mutation suggested by Darwin is far too complex. (i.e. Mammalian descendants cannot come from amphibians who came from fish. That is far too radical of a transformation on the DNA level to have occured in only a few billion years.)

My belief is that modern man is a descendant of earlier man... a man that we will be able to prove did exist once we are able to scientifically analyze the remains we have found. Currently, the age of these remains is estimated around 3 billion years..but they were so old that carbon dating couldnt be applied to them.

Obviously sapienite variations of primate did exist, but I don't believe that the origins of man as we see it today came directly from them..especially when new evidence of man that more closely resembles modern man is being uncovered.

Right now I make no sense, but I'll bring some evidence to the table soon. I'm still researching, in part because I'm formulating my own theory of evolution.. one which hopefully makes more sense than Darwinist evolution.

I am researching because I am having trouble myself placing us beyond 200 million years ago.. when the split of Pangea took place.

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