
this site covers the science briefly with some nice brief charts on respective gentic relationships

These charts are not data findings, they are interpretations of findings. There is a Christian interpretation also which I doubt anyone cares about.

Interpretations are opinions, and while I really respect opinions I think that your opinions and .50 cents still cannot even buy me a coffee.

In other words opinions are worthless.

The issue here is that evolution is a theory and it is just as unproveable as intelligent design which is just as unproveable as the origin of the universe.

Admit that science has no way of proving the origins of life and matter anymore than Christians have a way of proving it then you have my ear. But if you ignorantly cling to the belief that science has proven evolution or has provided proof of the origin of the universe and I am forced to believe that you indeed are the ignorant one.

And I am speaking of "you" in the general sense, not Grimber or Matt or anyone else.

Last edited by NITRO777; 03/29/06 04:16.