
Darwin was a great scientist, but he was born one hundred plus years ago. Its kind of funny how Christians argue points of the most popular evolutionary scientist, but not the most recent. Even now modern evolutionist smash his old theories and create new ones in an attempt to create better models to represent objective reality. This though, is the key difference. Good science isn't based on what we want to be true

I dont use Darwin in my arguments, I am well aware that his theories are dated. The only ones who have used Darwin in this thread was Matt, and he is on your side.

Your absolutely right, good science does not make their theories fit with what they want to be true.


yes, science and theory is based on interpritation of messurable and definable facts.

religion is interpritation based on opinion. denominations and even within individual denomitions people are divided based on INDIVIDUAL interpritation.

at least with science if a fact disproves a theory that theory is reexamined or dismissed entirely.

Oh your right,.. absolutely right. Science is the superior method of determining physical truth. If any group will find the facts of this universe we live in, it will be science, not religion. I just reject theories who try to use science to back up their opinions.

I dont blame anyone for looking at scientific data to prove evolution, I just disagree when they state opinions as fact, it is no less untruthful than me stating that God created the earth as a fact. I have no proof of that, so I wouldnt claim it as a fact.


the 'process of evolution' has been proven to occure time and again for decades. its of no fault of anyone else that the 'faithful' have a tendancy to ignore science with it doesn't fit their idealologies but will turn around and embrace it when it does. just as it has done time and again thoughout the history of the church

Not true. I embrace science fully when it has conclusive proof of something.