I dont hate the theory, I hate the fact that it is preached in schools as a fact when it falls from every leg it stands on.


They cant stand the fact that Man isn't something special and unique, that Man is just an animal, that Man is a bunch of chemicals and organic junk stuck together. We are fragile, tenuous beings, with many faults inherent in our bodies. Why do we have to crap and eat so much? Why do we get sick, why do children die for no reason, why are they born deformed, or retarded?

Even from a scientific viewpoint man is unique. We are the only ones who can speak or create. We are much different from the animals. We dominate the animals.


What about another theory, say General Relativity? Do you accept this theory? There is a lot more direct evidence for evolution by natural selection than there is for General Relativity, yet most scientist accept both. Why dont lay poeple attack General Relativity? It is far more troubling than evolution, because it is counter-intuitive. How can space-time be curved?

LOL. I will be doing very well if I understand enough about general relativity to refute Einstein. However I find myself more than capable to refute you and jcl. And in your case, with all of these oddball statements of yours, I consider it childsplay.