

They cant stand the fact that Man isn't something special and unique, that Man is just an animal

Hey, I love animals!, <see my avatar> but they ain't comparable to us humans.

I say that if humans and animals are similar in any way (which they are... to some extent: but no animals have souls/spirits - whatever the right word is and I think it would be very hard to make them... and what about thoughts? Animals don't think, as far as I know), then it's because they all have a common Creator , not because of some random explosion or whatever you want to believe.

And guys, it's not like the earth is the way that God originally intended either... Sure, you can see law and order even though it's all messed up. But you know why it's messed up? Well, Bible says that it's because of a flood, a global flood... oh, and sin, duh (how'd I forget ). And many people still think that there was a flood or dramatic population decrease just by studying... these are non-Christians... How do you think there's so much oil and coal? Well, think about this: A flood comes, people and animals and plants go down to the bottom of the ocean, mud/dirt stuff covers them and with all the pressure... squish! Just wait a while and you've got your massive coal and oil reserves.