Good job Irish_Farmer! (non-sarcastic) And that whole thing about proteins and life forming randomly: That is, of course, just one good example of why evolution couldn't be true... Just think how much the "scientists" have basically failed trying to make life... or even trying to clone animals... or the chiwawa (definitely spelled wrong, I think). Did you know that the way the "scientists" made the chiwawa, from what I heard, was they just removed stuff from it's genetics (or whatever). It's not like they added stuff, they just took stuff away... My point is, if we as humans can't even make life, or even a good clone or new species (or sub-species: whatever the right term is) then how could it seem possible that "chance" or "randomness" made life? Seriously, if someone can completely prove evolution, go ahead, but at the moment, I don't see how it could be true.

To somewhat quote something else I read: Don't let your pride or what you've been taught get in the way from discovering the truth.

Everyone try to stop going for what "feels right" and look to the facts... And I mean the "real" facts, not the ones people claim are true but can't stand up to attacks... Even in the Bible, when it's talking about the Armor of God, the part of the Armor for truth is the belt. In roman armor, the belt is what basically kept the armor together, without it you become defenseless... the same thing is true in real life if you don't have truth!

- Just adding a note that this post was edited and has more stuff in it now.

Last edited by Neonotso; 03/31/06 01:23.