is this 6000 years old earth calculation use the same methods that over the past two thousand years the ever changing predictions of when the 2nd comming of christ is predicted to happen?

I do believe that theologic scholars seem to keep missing the mark on the year it suppost to happen. with allot of followers having to suffer because they happend to give away all their earthly possesions time and again just prior to these dates then have to find a way to live afterwards

yes, i know thologists figure this number of years by supposedly counting the generations backwards though the bible. So does this include the 73 books of the roman chatholic books of teh bible. or the 66 books of the king james version or the origial 81 books of teh King James bible before the arch bishop of cantabury removed 16 ?

or the original 600 books when emporer Constantine commisioned the first bible to be written. ( which was later weeded down to eliminatate all the pagansium in the original christian religion)

does it take into account other books from various denomitaions?

does it include the parts of the hebrew texts (Koran) the christans didn't adopt when making the old testiment?

see, creationists have a serious tendancy to PICK and choose and just so SIMPLY ignore or toss aside anything they just don't like. Because it doesn;t fit your pre concieved ideals.

You know its amazing how many of the 7 deadly sins chreationists constantly break. considering thier entire goal is to find their own self richousness ( yet again a sin of your own religion)

'Creationists live by faith in things unseen'
nope, creationists believe in things they are told.
christains ( at least when I went to church) are told to find god and christ in the world around us. ( not in the 'unseen' )

Gallop poll on creationisum and evolution

40% of americans do not have a correct understanding of evolution ( this thread shows allot of evidance of that)
nearly 50% of americans do not have a clear understanding of creationisum ( again this thread shows allot of even so called believers know so little of thier own 'belief')

40% of american scientists believe in god
5% of american scientists believe in creationisum
(scientists polled consisted of mainstream sciences like biology and geology, and non mainstream sciences like health science, computer science engineering etc)

in otherwords. take some time and ACTUALY learn something WITHOUT a biased opinion going into it.

learn evolution
learn creationsium

learn how a specific science ACTUALY works before making biased, ignorant argumentitive claims

you believe in god, great. god gave you a brain, use it.

"Now, when is the last time you seen an ape, for example, make something complicated like a car?

LOL Hello? Let's be smart people? haha"

whens the last time you seen apes wage war, imprison, torture and murder millions of thier own speices because one group thinks 'thier god is better then other groups god, and if you don't follow ours your less than human'

whos the smart one?

at least apes live in harmoney with its enviroment and socialy between its own race, only becoming violent for self defense.

"but no animals have souls/spirits - whatever the right word is and I think it would be very hard to make them... and what about thoughts? Animals don't think, as far as I know"

and how can you prove you DO have a soul or that animals do not? you cannot. this is just an unfounded statement of self-supeiriority
animals don;t think? you've never been around animals then. animals think, have feelings, fear, humor, understand death and even some understand and will commit pre meditated murder. and not just primeapes either

Last edited by Grimber; 03/31/06 01:20.