
genetics are not evolution!

*sigh* I never said that.

However, evolution is all about genetics. Evolution supposedly causes extreme manipulations of the genetic material of every living thing on earth. You need to research genetics before pretending you know anything about evolution. I'm not an expert on genetics, but I don't need to be to understand why you're wrong. It simply takes logic.


But the evolution itself is just sorting them out.

Again. Get your facts right. What you're speaking of is natural selection. VERY different from evolution. Natural selection is the process by which the weakest creatures (creatures with the worst genetic data) get weeded out. Its actually a problem for evolution because natural selection works a lot faster than evolution and proves that if anything the genetic structure of living things on earth is slowly breaking down. Not slowly building up.


do you have a dog? how do you think this dog or species was created or where does it come from?!
If evolution and reproduction morghing was just a theory none of us whould have dogs, cats, cattle or sheep.

Simply put, dogs are just another version of the wolf. We genetically forged the wolf until we had a plethora of kinds of dogs.

If you're saying us having many different kinds of dogs proves evolution, then you need to get your facts straight...again. All we've done is genetically weaken the wolf to get broken down versions of it. Can you imagine if we actually unleashed these animals into the wild?

Furthermore, this just proves my point. No matter how much we force these changes within a species, we still can't force those dogs to become birds. That's what we're discussing here. You have a lot of catching up to do.

Maybe instead of saying evolution is the only possible answer, you should consider the possibility that we were all created. You're getting dangerously close to the argument, "Evolution has to be true because there's no other answer." We all know why that's a logical fallacy, even if we believe in evolution. There has to be proof. So far, you have provided none.

All you keep illustrating is a loss of genetic data. That's the EXACT OPPOSITE of evolution. Take this statement for instance:


as you can "lose" those genetic abilities you gain others. and this can end in being able to grow feathers or wings (though you dont influence it).

Back up your statement. Throw some of these black and white people into a desert and wait until they sprout wings. Don't tell me that you know it can happen, because that means nothing without proof.

"The task force finds that...the unborn child is a whole human being from the moment of fertilization, that all abortions terminate the life of a human being, and that the unborn child is a separate human patient under the care of modern medicine."