"'Creationists live by faith in things unseen'
nope, creationists believe in things they are told.
christains ( at least when I went to church) are told to find god and christ in the world around us. ( not in the 'unseen' )"

Read 2 Corinthians 5:7. Oh no wait, what do you care Grimber? This is just religious dogma aint it?

And I assume you are an archeologist who writes books about evolution and intermediary species. Obviously you are getting your information straight from the field and not being fed by textbooks, and not being TOLD by scientists and documented research. No ones telling you, you get your research yourself, and grow cows/pigs in your backyard for your own homemade cheesburgers. Well done Grimber, trying to point out a hypocrit only revealing yourself as one.

If you did read the bible at all, whatever religion you are, it repeatedly explains the saved person's faith in a kingdom not of this world, cause this world was made sin. A CHRISTian goes after Christ, forsaking his worldly possessions/desires. Im explaining this not in an effort to shove this doctrine down your throat for the sake of this evolution/creation argument, but just clarifying your misunderstanding of the bible.

Personally, I think the system of all living things and the state of the universe is too perfect(dont give me that whining about humans causing war and bloodshed, I'm talking about physical reality, not morality) to be a cause of a random explosion, or a species growing wings to adapt to its environment.