
Creationists fear evolution. Because creationists center upon one important aspect. Man is divine, above all other things in creation.

That was my initial impression as well, creationists being afraid of Freud's 3 insults to mankind. But at least those posting on the GameStudio forum seem to be more concerned with evolution preventing their sect's literal reading of the bible than with it "degrading" humans.


evolotion ( and science) is resisted by creationists because scince tells us we don't know everything. That all things are not plainly layed out before us and thier is nothing more to know. Something yet again creationsists have absoultuly fought against thoughout history.

I think you are wrong here. "God works in miraculous ways" is a standard response, so admitting lack of understanding is not the issue. Though of course people prefer simple & wrong answers to complex & true ones.


Did you know the catholic church yet even today has never offialy accpeted that the earth and the planets orbit the sun? SO how do you expect them to accept evolution?

Hmm.. I think in "Brief History of Time" Hawking mentions that the RCC accepted earth orbiting the sun "recently", I would have to look it up though.