@iceman: the human definition of god is that he is almighty. I didnt set those rule nor do i agree to it but thats the biblical explenation and one ... the major pillar of the religion. There is no inbetween, either he is god or not.
I would rather suppor the theory that planet earth is some sort of alien wildlife park that was created then to agree to a theory of an old, bearded man sitting in some clouds and creating the world.

If you say that god or religion is a spiritual power then i would agree. But this "power" then wouldnt have direct impact on anything. Its the people that believe in it that make this spiritual power work.
And this is why i agree that you can be a man of science and a religious person at the same time.

neither is religion or believe bad or wrong, i honestly think its a positive thing and something worth having.
The only thing i dont "believe" in is the modern organized religion. Religion isnt ment to explain biology or evolution. Its also not ment to build cars and create toothbrushes.

it doesnt explain how things work but the ideology behind it. Sone though want it to become a guideline for everything and thats not how its ment to work.

and whenever the run out of arguments they stop the discussion. and that happens very often and very fast.

the bottom line is that if someone wants to believe that the earth was created by god he should do so if he likes.
So far i just havent heared one single good and somehow stable argument for this.

but i guess thats also not neccessary at all. In the end its about believing and not knowing

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