Here is why, one can doubt God's existence. Because there is no proof or evidence, why believe? What I mean is... sure, there may not be eternal evidence of Santa Claus's existence, nor the easter bunny. But perhaps it is true.

The bible was written at a time prior to the printing press... I don't know 1843... whenever it was written. For someone to hand-copy all of those... it is so incredibly easy for anyone to misquote or state anything they feel necessary. Previously, people aged (thougn no one ages anymore.) How do you know that God didn't "age" and die? Quite possibly God may not have "unlimited power." Quite possibly, there are way too many people in this world for him to hear all prayers at once...
The truth is, I am sure many people pray all the time. Take the 9/11 tragedies. Quite possibly everyone on that airplane prayed repeatedly, yet everyone in the building, and towers died. Not a single person in that area even survived. Which brings my point. To me "doubting" God's existence is much like "doubting" the existence of any other folk tail, or fairy tale. However, the bible religion does seem to infer that if you choose to believe or "worship" any thing else, you are going to hell... or something like that... ask any christian and he'd tell you that. "I worship/believe this." "You are going to hell, and will get molested by Michaeal Jackson."

I guess the truth is, no one can "prove" that God doesn't exist. Though we cannot prove that he "does" exactly. Since anything spritiual like that scares/gives me nightmares. I am glad it is like this. I doubt praying actually works, though I probably do not have evidence. I also have no evidence that worshipping the "good-luck" fairy doesn't work either. For that reason, I see no point in praying or going to church. Most people have those religions... because their family or culture do so. There is also scientology. Though I cannot prove that Lord Xenu's thetans are in my body, I highly doubt paying over $300,000 in an exorcism would do any good... but still no evidence.

I personally, think religionw only slows one down. While one person could starve themselves for a month, get anally molested, or pay $300,000 to a church of scientology, I think it only wastes time for what could be spent really important... like watching T.V which is much more entertaining. I also see no reason to think you'd be rewarded for all of that time spent sacrificing animals, just for your belief. If I were a god, for how much I know... everyone could be worshipping the wrong person. Perhaps it is "Dog" who I should be worshipping. That "dog" wants me to make love to Marco Grubert's hot sister... in that case... because there is no evidence... everyone would be rewarded the same. It'd be all go down to if you are good, bad, or ***.

Someone has in their signature "if you do not believe in God, then look at the son. He makes blind in only those who sees believing." What about fairies, and gods? Or thetans in scientology? Do they all make me blind because I cannot see them... for how much I know... there are gods... or fairies... they can control how "good" or "bad" your luck is. They were "good" enough to make me the first person to learn that this generation of people is here to stay. Because I was the first to experience eternal youth. The world was created by fairly odd parents. They have no parents... how can that be? Divide 2 by three and you get an unlimited .66666666. That "infinite" number represents how there was NOTHING before them.

Respect is earned, not granted. Same goes for religion