
This is one link on how bacterial mutation is beneficial for its own self.

The flu virus is another example. That's why the government is scared of bird flu. Right now, it's a minor disease, but if it mutates, then it's a danger.

I know there are million links that say different. I went through and read them. Not all of them mind you, but enough to make up my own mind again, since the last time I studied it 10 years ago, in school and on my own.

Higher organisms are tougher to detect, because of the high cycles needed to detect a beneficial mutation. Our life span is a problem, because its short. We can't see six hundred to a thousand generations of any complex creature. Its a shame cause I wouldn't mind living a couple of thousand years to watch the change.

Last edited by Scramasax; 04/06/06 16:30.

www.moxiefish.com George Lancaster